I will type whatever
I've been working on Neocities so much I've barely eaten or drank anything today. I've been hard at work! I'm going to archive some of my Tumblr posts here cus I think they're good+worth remembering. Im hoping that Neocities will be around for many years to come, and the people of the future might look at my stuff. That would be cool. I want to inspire weird kids like me to be themselves without apologizing or feeling guilty or annoying about it.
I have been living in the same house since I was a baby,I moved to Florida for a little but came back to where I live now,and I went to the school across the street and played at the playground outside the school a lot,and I played in the woods behind my house every day until I was like 11.. And i sat outside my deceased grandmas house(she died a few months ago) and i just missed her and I missed being a kid,but then I remembered that these trees know me,and the animals in the woods know me, and they all know kid me and adult me and the Earth knows me and loves me and every step I take makes the Earth know me a little bit more. I love this planet and being apart of it.. I really wouldnt want to live on another one. The earth is my friend,and I dont care if Im not a kid anymore cus I want to world to know the adult Tallie too!! 💗
I have to have more of a wizard-like mentality,Kind of just chill and carefree n shit. Doing whatever i want. coming into peoples lives, making them happy,and then leaving mysteriously
Im moving to Wisconsin soon,idc what anyone else says. I dont have much money but I can live by myself or with a friend or two and Im going to make it and Im going to be happy. I hate where I live rn,I love nature and my town has like no nature + theyre tearing down my forest and stuff and getting rid of all the natural beauty to make stupid stuff like factories. I found a little town in Wisconsin that I'd like to move to,My mom even had a dream about the town a few months ago. I think thats a sign. Im going to move and idc what my mom or dad say. Im not going to waste my time on Earth being miserable and away from nature & love anymore. I'll work at the library in the town,Im going to take an online college course for library science. ... This gives me so much hope that my life will be good.I cant wait to sleep in a comfy bed, feel safe, and look out my window and see the stars (cus there are no stars in my town due to light pollution). I cant wait to feel safe and comfortable for the rest of my life. There will be difficult times but Thats normal. What Im going thru is not normal. Im depressed living here. I cant wait to wake up and feel excited about my day instead of dreading it. I cant wait to look at waterfalls and go on walks every day without having to worry about guys following me home. I cant wait to go fishing. I cant wait to make friends. Theres so much to live for
U are good enough and if someone disagrees with that or makes u feel less than them for whatever reason then it isnt worth it, We are all human beings, We are all souls not bodies, We are all born babies with no knowledge of anything. We all eat and sleep and breathe the same air. Thats how it is. Nobody is better than anyone, doesnt matter where theyre from or what they are now, We are all born the same, We are all growing souls and minds and we are all changing and someday I hope people will understand that its not about money,fame, power, or getting people to respect or fear u, Its about nurturing your soul and being good, People who are always putting others down arent Gods, theyre the opposite of Gods, the opposite of perfect like they think they are. U must be kind to be good.
I want to inspire people.
10:41pm- Im tired
1:42pm - I went to the mall with my girlfriend :,D We went to Build a bear and got some stuffed animals..It was so fun!
Here's a picture from the store!
We also got photos in a photo booth, she didnt like how she looked in them but I thought they were really cute. We got food too, at Taco Bell.I cant wait to see her again!!
4:21pm - I like bears a lot. If I was an animal I'd be a grizzly bear. Or I'd want to be one anyway!
6:21pm - Recently Ive been realizing that people actually like me and I sometimes cant even comprehend it
10:55pm - Today was fun. I had a few bad moments but it's ok. I bounced back pretty quickly. I think there's a lot I have to work on tho... Anyway, Im gonna sleep now. Night
I got rid of someone who was very bad for me. I'm proud of myself. I have a lot of life to live,and I wont let one person ruin it for me.
10:04am - Sorry for no updates yesterday,it was a difficult day for me. I have been missing my ex,but I know he was bad for me so it's Ok. I have a very wonderful girlfriend who I love very much,and who loves me too, so Im content. Anyway,Im downloading 3ds games before the 3ds shuts down internet servers forever in a few days.... What a world we live in.....
9:58pm - I dont even care about fitting in or being cool or anything like that Ima be myself and live passionately and if people dont like that or think Im a freak then they just cant comprehend me and I dont even care!!!
Can we just all be friends and get along and not leave people behind
Im listening to music rn and thinking about how,even tho its hard,Im going to heal because I want to be that happy smiley girl again who is in love with life.I will someday be her, I just have to heal, and I cant turn back
I want to go back to when I was a happy girl before he hurt me before anything happened,I never deserved what he put me thru, he made me bad and mean, I wish I could go back to before I met him, I wish I never met him. Im so mad. i dont understand. . I want to forget about everything forever
Somewhere in my brain I am happy and healthy, like how I was when I was little. When i close my eyes I dont think of how hurt I am, and when someone mentions "hate" i think of it like a stranger,like its something I dont know and I have not experienced. I want to go back
10:15pm - People love me
10:25pm - I am becoming ME!
11:09am - Hi I'm thinking about King Dedede a lot today. I love him so much,I have loved him since I was 6 or 7.....I looove u Dedede
Also... Im happy! For the most part. Its spring and its getting really nice out,and I plan on taking a lot of photos this summer and hanging out with my girlfriend. Im excited for my future
7:16pm - I went on a walk with my mom
Sorry for no entries in awhile... Lately I've been hating my online pressence, I think I'm online too much. I just dont know how to stop being online all the time!! I have to read more, I have so many books that I haven't read.... I think I'll read a lot this summer, and go outside a lot too. I can't wait to go camping!
At work rn And I just talked to the nicest guy. I genuinely had a nice time helping him find his vhs tapes. He reminded me of my grandpa who's not doing too well... I love Earth because every day is an adventure, u never know who u will meet.... talking to that nice guy really & helping him out made my day.. And it reminded me that everyone Ive ever loved will always be in my heart. My pawpaw (Pawpaw is what I call my grandpa) will always be with me, even if he's not physically here. I will never forget him. I will go outside and walk where he walked, and I'll say words he has said, and I'll meet people who remind me of him, and people will be reminded of him thru me. I will always be my grandpa's grandchild
Best memory you can think of?" - When I was taking the train to Montana with my mom and dad and brother my dad made really funny Miis on his 3ds and I was laughing so hard that my stomach hurt. It was night out and I looked outside and saw stars
I am a totally different person now cus I listened to Skyrim ambience for 20 mins and now Im a wizard who walks around all day in the magical woods instead of a scared awkward girl from the midwest
I miss my childhood even tho it was bad. I miss morning doves and going to the beach and crying at Pokemon video games. I miss my brother and my doggy and my mom and dad. I miss being Smiley little E
The scene in Pokemon where Ash has to let Butterfree go made my brother cry so hard and whenever I mention Butterfree he looks at me so angrily. We watched the scene for the first time like 10 years ago no joke
Im plural but its like when kids draw the same picture over and over and over again and it looks a little different every time but it's still the same drawing, or at least the same idea. Does this make sense.
Hi. If u care. U dont need to be like the systems u see online all the time. U dont have to know all of your alters names. U dont have to know everything about your alters. U dont have to use pluralkit and u dont have to use proxies or sign offs. U dont have to tell people everything about every alter. U can have secrets involving your system. U can just exist as a system and u dont have to prove ur a system/u dont have to "fit in" with other systems.. But u can be your own kind of system, whatever works for u and whatever helps u stay comfortable. U dont have to prove anything to anyone and u dont have to "fit in"... Nothing against the systems who do use Pluralkit and know everything about their alters ofc. I just want to normalize that systems can br different and that doesnt mean we are any less of a system than anyone else! This isnt specifically about endogenics either. Dont make this about syscourse pls!!!
Summer vacation plans: Reawaken the kid version of Tallie sleeping inside of me
I cant wait to go to my aunts campground this year and take pictures and stuff. She lives near a creek and a forest. I take the train there, and it takes a few hours to get there,which is exciting cus I love trains & Im rly excited
7:15pm - Hello, Its spring now and it's been hot outside! I like sitting near windows and feeling the breeze against my face, and hearing birds and stuff... I havent been having very good days lately, but that's ok, cus I know they could be worse. I have been feeling like a kid again, like how I was before The Abuse started.... it's been nice. I've been talking to my mom and brother more, and I've been going outside and playing on my 3ds more. I've been enjoying life more, ever since I cut off a toxic person
11:09am - HELLO! I have been getting into Kirby again, I should write some comics about Kirby like how I used to.... I miss being creative, but Im getting better at drawing and writing like I used to!
12:58pm - Hi, I went on a walk,And I hope I can do something super fun today~!
7:46pm - I am objectum for the North Star....
There were scary noises near my house today and mom had to call the cops.. Im so tired of living like this
King dedede (specifically Dedede from Kirby right back at Ya) is the main character that I use to identify myself with. He's strong, quick tempered, greedy, and mean-- BUT he's just like me!!! U dont understand!!! >_> I've been identifying with him since late 2015, and I know that cus I made an entire comic book series about him that lasted 30+ volumes, that I started in 2015. Nobody ever got to see it but my brother tho. I should post some of the comics on here sometime...They were short 5 panel comics, and there were like 2,000 of them! Anyway, he is JUST LIKE ME!! Hes my favorite character in the world and hes so special to me.... Auuuuggh
I want to get a flip phone,I've wanted one for awhile now. I use my phone too much... I think a flip phone would really help me mentally,and help with my evil internet addiction
I Honestly hate social media and my phone . I only want to use Spacehey and Neocities from now on. Like its good to have some socials but mostly,I want to not use much. Cus ever since I got social media I havent been as creative.... I know it's different for everyone, but for me,its bad... I will def try to be more creative this summer and stay off my phone. And i have a lot of books to read too.... I have a lot of stuff to do this summer other than stuff on my phone
Hi. Im May/Turnip .... I dont talk about this much,but I will today, online, for everyone to see LOL....
I have always had identity issues....And I have seperate "me's" in my head-Different personalities. Not a DID thing...Its just a way that I keep track of who I am,and it helps with my identity issues n stuff. IM NOT A SYSTEM! Nothing against them ofc,Thats just not me. There was a time where I thought I had DID but I dont.....Cus I looked into it and also I figured myself out some more,and here we are ^_^... I want to write about the different Turnips. ...
Petunia is my guardian angel :o She is protective of me and doesn't want me to get hurt at all. She was here for me during a super bad time of my life..
Joan is my grandma. She's very calm and loves nature.
Jay is my older brother....
...and Bear is my little sister, who is basically just a little kid version of me ^^
I have always been wary of saying Im a therian because,,I dont know,, But it would make sense, cus I do feel like Im a bear in the body of a girl .... I guess I thought therians were something different, mostly just past life stuff.. I never thought I was a bear in a past life, only a bear right now..If that makes sense lol. So anyway.... i might be a Grizzly Bear therian!
Hello, Neocities. Earlier in the month I cut off someone who was not good for me... At first I regretted cutting them off, and wanted to text them again,but I didn't because of my girlfriend and therapist, who told me that they weren't good for me, and that I should cut off all contact with them.... It was so so difficult to at first, cus I was friends with them for a long time, and we dated at a point, but the relationship was so toxic and bad for me.... but I haven't spoken with them since cutting them off, and I dont plan on speaking with them either- I know what Im worth now, and my life will be happier without them. Even if I do get lonely sometimes and want to talk to them again... I wont!
I wont go back. Im a new person since I cut them off.. I've been thinking about my childhood- I was so happy as a kid, and I've been feeling like how I did when I was a kid...happy!!! I've been feeling calm, happy, and I've been enjoying nature and going outside, and drawing more.... I've just been a lot better. And I CANT go back no matter how lonely or bored I get, or all my happiness will be gone, and I'll have to start the healing process over again.. not to mention the people I'll disappoint. Augh. I CANT, and I dont even want to!!!!! I have a lovely girlfriend and friends who want whats best for me and my Mom and brother.... I dont need any toxic things!!!!
Hello everyone, I just wanted to say that lately I've been getting more and more comfortable with myself, and being myself.
"Self love" as they call it.... Before, I didn't like myself at all... I think it was cus of an old relationship I was in.. But nothing other than that has changed....Why do I suddenly love myself?? I didn't get popular,I used to say if I got popular I'd love myself.. I still only have 3 or 4 friends. I dont know what changed, but that doesn't really matter. I'm a lot more confident now, and Im not afraid to be myself online. Irl is different cus thats scary... but... Im a happier person now, life is awesome, and Im excited for my future- Which are all things I'd never say a few months ago..But now I say them and mean them! Life is full of good and bad changes~ but thats ok, cus I know if things get bad again, I'll never be alone..
Another looong day of creating my Neocities website... I often forget to eat and drink on days where Im so focused on my Neocities,but dont worry, I had water and food earlier... Not a lot of friends were online today, so I spent a lot of the day alone, which is totally fine.. Sometimes I like to be alone. Plus I had my brother and mom and Grandma to hang out with, so all is well.
I really love my website, so much so that Im sucked into my computer for hours working on it.... I just love being online, OK? I have been addicted to the internet since I was,like, 10 when I was on Miiverse.... I'm working on not relying on it as much tho..
Alright,Im gonna rest a little now.. maybe... or work on my site more.. OK bye!
9:23pm - So sick of seeing "offensive" accounts that make the same 3 jokes and think they're the coolest most original people alive
Hello. I think I want to create a new website, but I dont know. Also, Im thinking about past stuff and its making me sick. I think I have to distract myself
I often feel like I dont belong in this world. Even my mom tells me that Im not meant for this world. Its starting to get to me.
Do you know about angels hiding in plain sight? What if Im an angel and I dont know it? I sometimes think a lot of people around me are something else from me entirely.....
I played some Animal Crossing City Folk today! I made the town (it's called Niceplas) when I was like 4/5 years old... I have so many memories of playing that game. It was my favorite game for YEARS! I went thru my letters and I found this really cute one!
My younger self was so cool....
Thinking about old friends who I miss... I don't like thinking about my current friends just becoming memories to me, but I can't help it at times. It's unfair how people have to go...
I knew a lot of kids in Florida, where I used to live, but I can't even remember their faces anymore. And I used to have so many online friends, but I dont talk to any of them anymore. I have new friends who I love dearly, but I do miss my old friends at times, like right now.
But... all of the memories live in my heart forever, and they will never leave me...
Also... Today was an Ok day... I made a personality quiz, it's about Happy Happy Clover, my favorite manga series growing up. Here's the LINK!
I worked on schoolwork too, which was boring but I got some done!
I hope to see my girlfriend sometime this week. I'll def blog about that, if we hang out!
I'm starting to watch anime that reminds me of my childhood- like Jewelpet.. And I'm watching the Happy Happy Clover anime too. They're both AWESOME!! I like Sapphie from Jewelpet, and Clover from Happy Happy Clover (of course...) And I watched some Hamtaro too, and read Kirby Manga Mania, and I also read some Nana. I really like Nana Osaki so far... she's so cool!!! ;_;
Also.. I played a lot of Animal Crossing new Horizons.. I HAVE A MILLION BELLS o____O i didnt even know I had that many..So crazy....
Rocket is my favorite villager in New Horizons, and probably in general. She's so kind. I love the Uchi villagers the best! I think I'd be an Uchi villager if I was in Animal Crossing...
Anyway... I want to do more fun stuff tomorrow! Hopefully I'll get to!
But, for now, Im tired..
That's all for tonight....!
Bye, guys !!!! ^__^
When I was a kid, I LOVE vocaloid music videos, MikMikuDance, I read some Vocaloid manga, and I played The Project Mirai game on my 3DS(I beat it twice).
I wanted to be like Miku, and I had a crush on Kaito (lol...)
Listening to Vocaloid music brings me a lot of nostalgia and joy. I've been listening to my favorite songs all morning. Here's my all-time favorite; I listened to it so much as a kid. I really want to get super into Vocaloid again....
Hello, Neocities. I have had a bad few days- My new phone that I got didn't work, and I can't take a picture with my favorite actor EVEN THO I THOUGHT I COULD ... Turns out stuff costs money, lol...
I met Doug Walker at a comic convention
That's all. I'm so tired today lol.
The convention was really rough at first, I got a mask that was too big for my head, and couldn't get a refund. Then my grandma broke it. I cried a few times when I was there. But I met THE nostolgia critic, so I am happy.
Can we please for the love of god stop treating mental illness like a joke or an aesthetic or something that makes u unique or quirky. Please Im actually begging u people. There is no such thing as schizoposting there is no such thing as having a touch of the tism, etc. U do not have bpd just because u are jealous sometimes. U do not have did just because u kin a few characters. U do not have autism just because u are a little awkward or silly. Im so sick of people not taking me seriously because of all the misinformed children on Tiktok claiming to have psychosis because they want to be like a YouTube character or whatever. Touch of the tism is not "just a joke" because now people make fun of autistics and assume every autistic person is just like an "autism creature". U do not understand what u are doing to mentally ill people. U do not understand because u are insensitive and selfish and u genuinely just dont care. U do not want these disorders I promise. U will be successful because u do not have a brain like mine. This isnt even about just autism its about everything I have to live with. U people will live successful lives if u stop pretending to have mental illnesses that u dont actually have. U will live successful lives because u are capable of living on this earth. Unlike so many of us. Its unfair. Because u want the mental health issues that I have and I want to be able to live and go to sleep at night. Mental health matters until it isnt aesthetic or fun, or until it makes someone uncomfortable. I hate what u neurotypicals have done to us. U have invaded our spaces. U have demonized us even worse. Either that or u have turned us into jokes. I will not forgive u.