

name: Petunia Frederick Maryland
age: Thousands of years old. died late 30s, so she looks that age forever.
job: Guardian angel for Elisabeth
date of birth: June/4
powers: Flight, shape shifting, hypnosis... and also a pretty good singer!:D

Petunia is my made up guardian angel. I know she's probably not REALLY one of my guardian angels, but I know that I do have at least one guardian angel, which brings a lot of comfort to me in general. So I thought I'd make a guardian angel character for fun!

I came up with Petunia in late 2018, or early 2019. She was originally named George and based on a historical figure that I was really interested in at the time... but she's not him at all anymore. (That may be confusing...)
WIP- I've drawn countless pictures of her, but I don't have one saved to my laptop yet, so I'll be sure to add a drawing or two eventually!:)

Petunia has evolved and changed many times. Nowadays she's an angel who comforts me when I'm upset, and watches over me. She can't control what happens to me, but she can comfort me and try to lead me in a correct way through showing me "signs". It's nice to think someone is watching over me peacefully, and is always with me.